Of the various PDF flavors, an image-only PDF: The answer is that in the course of vigorously defending a client, some firms desire to make using documents as difficult as possible for the other side. Why would someone want to take a perfectly good, fully-searchable document and turn it into an image-only PDF which is just a picture of the page in a PDF wrapper? When you PDF a document that you generate in MS Word, is there a way to produce an "image-only" PDF, with non-searchable text? The only way I know how is to print out and scan the document back into Acrobat. But for me for just basic needs to open and of view PDFs, be able to send them and share them securely, print to PDF, or even have someone sign a PDF form that I have created for my business, it works great and the free version works perfectly fine for me.Every once in a while, I receive an email that has me scratching my head a bit, such as this one: If you need more capabilities out of it, like actually editing a PDF or creating a PDF as well, you might want to look into the paid version. So if you're considering an Adobe Reader, I'd say start with the free version, it works really well. So you just need to download the software onto your computer or download the app on your phone and enable it as your default PDF reader and you're ready to go.

They also have an app, I am an Android user, but I believe they both have Android and iPhone apps available as well. If you're using a laptop or a tablet, you just go to their website and they have a free download that you can download onto your device. It's super easy to get started with Adobe Reader. I like that I can use it on all of my devices so I can use it on my laptop, my tablet, and they also have phone apps, which it's really nice to be able to open up a PDF, read it, send it, sign it through my phone as well. And it works a lot better than all of the other free PDF readers that are on the market, no bugs, no popup ads that get in your way as you're trying to review a PDF or send it or something like that. The reader program itself, they have a free version which works perfectly fine. I chose Adobe Reader mainly because I've used their products for many years and I'm familiar with them.

That's kind of why I went to Adobe, they're just the leader in the space when it comes to PDF and I like that they have an app. So it really just gets in the way of my productivity. But I would say a lot of them have a lot of bugs and ads that pop up, which are obnoxious. I have used quite a few different like free PDF reader apps, one that's called PDF Reader, very creative name that they chose. And for more reviews like this, you can click the link below. I am going to be reviewing the Adobe Reader DC, I give it a four. Elizabeth: Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I am a senior solutions consultant.